Wednesday, March 11, 2009

children's activities: the beginning

This is the first blog of my new blog site aimed at helping parents and educators with ideas for children's actvities and games. I will be posting 2-3 activities every day I'm blogging that will encourage play and learing through play.

Just to introduce myself, I am an educator with 4 1/2 years of study in teaching 0-8 (B. Early childhood studies, Masters of teaching 0-8 years). I am soon to be recognised as a primary school teacher and have a passion for educatiung children for lifelong learning. I am male and I live in Australia and I also love playing guitar and following many sports.

I talk to many parents and fellow educators that are often stuck for ideas for their children and ask me for ideas. This blog should help provide a variety of ideas for parents and educators alike.

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