Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fisrt installment: Indoor activity

Tongue Twisters
Players: 2 or more plus adult or older child to provide tongue twister
Ages: 4 and up
Resources: timer or stopwatch

This is a contest to see who can repeat the most tongue twisters at lightning speed. Children absoluely LOVE the silly sounds and slip-ups they make during this game.

An adult gives each player a tongue twister to repeat as many times as they can before making a mistake. The players are timed and the next player tries to beat the time without making a mistake. For fairness players should be given the same phrase. The winner is the child who goes the longest with out making a mistake, or reapeats the phrase the most times.

Here are some tested tongue twisters:
- She sells seashells by the seashore.
- Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
- Rubber baby buggy bumpers.
- How much wood would a woodchucker chuck if a woodchucker could chuck wood?
- Toy boat.
- Unique New York.
- Red leather, yellow leather
- Six thick thistle sticks.
- One smart man, he felt smart; two smart men, they felt smart; three smart men, they all felt smart.

Give it a go. Older children as well as younger children will love this activity. Even adults give this game a go and have a good time.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!!! I can't even tell them to my son, I get all twisted he thinks I'm a weirdo:)
    So fun though!
